Our Guarantee

Telco Communication Guarantee

Telco Communication D.O.O is not a kind of company that makes false claims. We have decades of experience that justifies our position as a successful medical billing service provider. Our worthy clients progressing in medical field are a proof of our extensive efforts and proven standard operating procedures. Our guarantee is to cut short your expenses of medical billing and increase your revenue, monthly collections and build your professional physician’s reputation at the same time. No claim will get denied or underpaid and our AR management is a self-explanation of that.

Build Your Professional Reputation With Telco Communication D.O.O

Professional repute is very important in every field of life, but for medicine, it is a part of your successful practice. We know that it is a necessary part of your professional career and your ultimate success. To achieve this, Telco Communication D.O.O will help you out.

  • Patient support desk to provide needed information
  • Absolute credentialing and patient benefit verification
  • Medical transcription services with ideally no errors

Decrease in Cost of Medical Billing With Telco Communication D.O.O

We will not charge you grands for our medical billing services, just the percentage on approved claims. So, you can see, how important it is to avoid claim denial.

  • Provision of daily, monthly and all other types of reports
  • AR denial management with accuracy and claim rejection dealing
  • Precision in future progress graphs and expert consultancy
  • All device access to transcription services and easy reporting

Increase in revenue and collection With Telco Communication D.O.O

Revenue generation is the key for achieving success in any type of business. Telco Communication D.O.O guarantees you to increase your collection from 10 to 20 percent with the control and management of claim creation, submission, credentialing, patient verification, transcription, medical billing, daily reporting, and streamlining your daily processes. Our years of experience has enabled us to guide you with our consultancy services as well.

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